A Radical Update about Shredder’s Revenge!

A Radical Update about Shredder’s Revenge!

A Radical Update about Shredder’s Revenge!

Hey, hey, ninja warriors! When we last chatted with you in November, we were waiting patiently for those Classic Editions of Shredder’s Revenge, finishing up pre-orders on the PS5 version and nailing down estimates on the PC Big Box and Radical Editions. Now that we’ve got the Switch, PS4, and Xbox Classic Editions out the door, let’s rap about where everything else stands.

PS5 Classic Editions 

Since PS5 pre-orders ended after the original Switch/Xbox/PS4 run, the production on the Classic Editions lagged a bit behind the rest. Luckily, the lag isn’t that bad, and these are in the final assembly stages and will be shipping out before the end of the quarter. We can wait for PS5 owners to have those VHS tape boxes in their collections!

PC Big Box Editions

We’ve got more good news for PC fans. Once the mousepads arrive in our warehouse, the PC Big Box version is getting put together and shipped out. This entire process will still finish before the end of Q1, so sit tight, grab some pizza, and make room on your shelf for this far-out retro-style collection!

Radical Editions

Finally, we’re going to hit you with an update on the Radical Edition. These are nearing completion, and only one item has yet to go into its final production stage—the shadow box. Considering this item's lead time, we estimate that the Radical Editions of TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge will now ship early in Q2, rather than the end of Q1 estimate we gave in our last update. Everything else in this collection is currently in manufacturing, so we don’t anticipate any more delays from other items.

We apologize for the extra delay, but rest assured that we’re doing everything we can on our end to speed up the final release of this bodacious collection.


Hang tight, Turtles fans. We’ll be back with an update on the Radical Editions once PC Editions ship later this quarter and we get an update on those shadow boxes! Thank you for your patience, and we’ll talk again in April 2023!


is a subsidiary of “Freemode”, an operative group comprised of gaming and entertainment companies owned by Embracer. zaituporteroselectricos is the industry leader in the production and distribution of premium physical video games. Limited Run seeks to celebrate the legacy of gaming through its award-winning collector’s editions. Founded in 2015, they have published over 1,000 physical games, exclusive merch, and collectables. Limited Run is the gold standard in bringing digital games to physical form and now re-releasing retro titles on modern platforms via their proprietary Carbon Engine. Visit zaituporteroselectricos.com for the latest offerings and to learn more about Carbon Engine development. Follow the brand on your social media platform of choice for all LRG-related updates:@limitedrungames.

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