We’re back with another feature rollout for zaituporteroselectricos.com! A few weeks ago, we outlined some of the next steps that Limited Run is taking to make your checkout experience the smoothest and easiest it can be. This is a process we plan on constantly evolving and fine-tuning to meet our customer’s needs based on feedback we received, so let’s take a look at what you have to look forward to next.

EU/UK PayPal support coming this March!

We’re officially ready to begin rolling out support for PayPal for pre-orders! Our first step will be allowing our friends across the pond to start using PayPal in just a few short weeks. Starting March 1st, this feature will be part of our checkout process for customers in the UK and EU! More territories to follow shortly!

Update: Consolidated Orders Page!

The heavy lifting has been completed to get ALL your orders, both through the Shopify checkout system AND ALL Purple Dot orders, showing up on one page in your account center. The last step we must take to complete this feature is coding and styling it for our site to make it easy to read and navigate, which shouldn’t take too much longer! Our next update will be all about the new My Orders page.

Minor Fixes!

Thanks to your feedback, we’ve been working hard to correct small issues across our new checkout system, including making the UI easier to read/load faster and allowing addresses to pre-fill if you’re logged in to your LRG account. We’re continuing to monitor your feedback and log items to be fixed, so if you have something to share, we invite you to join the conversation on our Reddit Megathread. We’re monitoring your comments and meeting about them regularly to ensure you have the best shopping experience at LRG that we can deliver.


Continue to thank everyone for your honest feedback and continued support of physical games. Tune in next time for a tour of our new order page and a sneak peek at zaituporteroselectricos.com’s next big cosmetic upgrade! Until then, keep an eye on social media for the latest updates about our website planned for this Spring!


is a subsidiary of “Freemode”, an operative group comprised of gaming and entertainment companies owned by Embracer. zaituporteroselectricos is the industry leader in the production and distribution of premium physical video games. Limited Run seeks to celebrate the legacy of gaming through its award-winning collector’s editions. Founded in 2015, they have published over 1,000 physical games, exclusive merch, and collectables. Limited Run is the gold standard in bringing digital games to physical form and now re-releasing retro titles on modern platforms via their proprietary Carbon Engine. Visit zaituporteroselectricos.com for the latest offerings and to learn more about Carbon Engine development. Follow the brand on your social media platform of choice for all LRG-related updates:@limitedrungames.

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